“Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord with take me up”. –  Psalm 27:10

but Jesus said

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the
kingdom of heaven.”


Ministering for 33 Years

Founded in 1989 serving in the city of Guaimaca, Honduras.

We Have Helped Over 2,500 of God's Children

The children range in age from babies to young adults, and we have a special needs population. They come from difficult circumstances. Some are orphans, some abandoned, abused or come from extreme poverty. We pray for the continued blessing to be able to serve and take care of the children in Honduras.

Over 500 volunteers

Throughout our Ministry, we have hosted over 500 volunteers from the United States, Denmark, and Honduras.

Every donation is life changing for the children at
Orphanage Emmanuel

Choose the perfect help plan for you

Donations are used to provide for the children at Orphanage Emmanuel. The money is utilized for building improvements, food, medical needs of the children, and anything that is required to support them throughout the year.

One Time Donation

$ 99

One Time
Regular Giving
Starting at

$ 39 /month

Reccurring Contribution

One-time Donation

Take the first step! If you're able, make a one time donation to help Orphanage Emmanuel.

Planned Giving

Interested in planned giving to Orphanage Emmanuel?

Our Latest News and Updates

Stay up to date on what's going on around Orphanage Emmanuel!


It’s Christmas time again!

We cannot believe it is already time to prepare for Christmas!! There are really no words to describe the beauty of Christmas morning here or the excitement that buzzes around Emmanuel as Christmas preparations begin. We are always working extra hard to make sure that no child is left out or forgotten.

Marjorie Aboga



Happy 201 years of Independence, Honduras!

What better way to celebrate Honduran Independence Day than with a parade full of our beautiful children marching down the streets of Emmanuel. September 15th commemorates Central American independence from Spanish rule. This year we celebrated Independence Day twice.

Morgan Worch



Cultural Day Celebration

It was nice to get together to remember the Honduran culture and indigenous people groups. Each grade level chose two representatives to participate on Tuesday the 19th and Wednesday the 20th. There was a panel of judges who were charged with choosing the winners, the students were very creative and with great confidence wore each outfit out on the runway.

Morgan Worch



Welcome Volunteers!

We have had the pleasure to host 4 volunteers this summer. Three are rising juniors at Auburn University and one is rising sophomore at the University of Texas. They have given their hearts and souls and served with so much joy! All the staff and children at Emmanuel are grateful for them!

Morgan Worch



First Day of School!

On March 1, 2022, we had our first day of school! All the children are able to go to school in-person this year, and we are so blessed. They persevered through two years of the pandemic with virtual classes, and the children were able to advance in their studies to get where they are today

Morgan Worch



Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! From All of Us at Orphanage Emmanuel http://orphanageemman.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Happy-New-Year.mp4Happy 2022!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We cannot do this job day in and day out without your prayers, financial support, and love. There are no words to adequately express our gratitude. We can feel the Lord moving day in and […]

Morgan Worch