“Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord with take me up”. –  Psalm 27:10

but Jesus said

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the
kingdom of heaven.”


The Farm

About Our Farm

We teach our children about God giving us dominion over His creation and our responsibility to be good stewards of what God has given to us. From the actual learning of "reaping and sowing" in the fields, to learning about so many elements of God's creation and how our lives can reflect in a similar ways.



Emmanuel’s swine facility began in 2002 with a total of nine pigs. Today, it has grown to an operation that tends to between 50 and 100 pigs. The pigs are fed twice a day by some of our youth and volunteers. The pigs are fed store bought feed as well as scraps from the kitchens at Emmanuel—nothing goes to waste here! Currently the swine facility produces pork that is used in the kitchen.


Emmanuel also has an egg facility that is supervised by Salomon. Through the years, thousands of eggs have been produced by our chickens. As of November 2021, we have roughly 600 chickens that produce an average of 270 eggs per day. All of the eggs are used for consumption by the children of Emmanuel.



Horses have always been at Emmanuel; however Tammy Young from Tennessee began a structured program in 2006 that has flourished into an outlet for the children as they learn how to properly have dominion over God’s creatures. In the beginning there were many wild horses that were unusable around the children. Today, the horses that reside here at Emmanuel are very well mannered and work well with the children. Tammy has trained Andy and Miguel Angel, two of our youth, to lead a group of older boys in caring for the animals. 



The dairy facility began production in October of 2007. Some of the cows at Emmanuel were purchased, and others were grown from embryos in a project here in Guaimaca. Currently, Emmanuel is getting milk from about fifteen cows, and that milk goes to the kitchen to use in the children’s breakfast each morning. The hard-working group of dairy boys are often the first to get to work and the last ones back home, as they milk at 6 am and 4 pm.



Processing Facility
In this building, chickens, cows, pigs, and fish are processed for consumption by the children and staff at Emmanuel. This past year alone over 10,000 pounds of meat have been processed.


Fish House
The Tilapia farm is the newest of the farm projects. It provides our kitchen with fresh fish to be used in the children’s food, and we use the water to fertilize plants in our greenhouse since the water from the Tilapia farm is rich in nutrients. The Tilapia farm has about 3,000 fish at this time.



This project was started in 2005 when a greenhouse was donated, shipped to, and re-assembled at Emmanuel from Terrytown, Georgia. We’ve used the clear plastic greenhouse to start crops. At this time, we are growing corn, carrots, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, and other vegetables depending on the season and availability of resources. Everything that we grow goes straight to the kitchen to be used in the children’s food.

Want to contribute to the monthly needs of the Farm?