“Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord with take me up”. –  Psalm 27:10

but Jesus said

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the
kingdom of heaven.”


The Orphanage Emmanuel Team

The Office Staff

Alongside Eva Barahona and Morgan work the Licenciadas Andrea, Belkis, and Karen in the office.

Andrea is in charge of Human Resources with all the hiring and supervising of our external staff. She recently graduated and is a licensed psychologist, so Andrea is able to help with children as well.

Belkis is a licensed psychologist, and helps by seeing the children that need. She also holds workshops for the adults and children’s houses about different topics to help facilitate day to day jobs at Emmanuel.

Karen is in charge the Convenio, which is a government program that gives us money to buy the day-to-day necessities at Emmanuel. Karen’s job is to do the shopping and organize what she bought for Emmanuel.