“Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord with take me up”. –  Psalm 27:10

but Jesus said

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the
kingdom of heaven.”


Board Members

Mike Stafford

Mike is the Pastor of First Baptist Church in Clover, South Carolina. He heard about this special Honduran ministry through a fellow church member. As a church, we then invited a staff member from the orphanage to speak to our church. During our first trip to the campus, Mike was immediately moved by this work. The orphanage was indeed beautiful, but the people had my heart’s attention. He quickly grew to love the kids and respect the staff during that first week, as well. Mike has returned several times and will continue to do so as often as he has the opportunity. He can answer any questions, or just brag on God for the orphanage, feel free to contact Mike at mike@fbcclover.com