“Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord with take me up”. – Psalm 27:10
LaShawn was raised in Downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior when she was 22 years old. She graduated with her Associates of Nursing Degree at 28 .
After hearing Wade and Lourdes speak about Emmanuel at a church she was visiting in 2010 the Lord impressed upon her, “I want you to go to Honduras.” Unsure of why God was asking her this at that time, she put it in the back of her mind and continued to listen. The following morning the Lord impressed on her again, “I want you to go to Honduras.” She contacted the church that day and inquired how to become part of their next mission trip to Orphanage Emmanuel. After 3 trips with teams and short term volunteering the Lord had her sell her house and belongings and come full time in December 2014. In response to her question “Lord what are we doing here?” To which he answered; “Whom shall we send and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I, send me” Isaiah 6:8
LaShawn is the primary nurse in charge of our medical clinic. LaShawn considers it an honor to serve God’s children and partner in God’s purpose and plan for Orphanage Emmanuel.
Orphanage Emmanuel is a ministry of Amor Cristiano International (US 501-c-3). Emmanuel is a Christian ministry whose vision is to evangelize and evangelize and disciple children so that they may grow up to be living lights and good examples in the ways of God.
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